
Some questions about prefab size and small objs

tmpxyz 11 years ago updated by Daedalus 9 years ago 5
Hi, just taken a look at videos of daedalus, looks great for level generation.

I have some detailed questions:

1. It looks like the all cells are of same size? 
for example, my corridor prefab might be 8x8 meters, and I want to build a room for boss, the room might be 32*32 m,  I already see that daedalus can generate rooms from smaller prefabs, but I want to build the boss room all by myself ( want to place things and decorate it specially ).
So, is it possible to generate the level with different size of prefabs? I could make sure its width is mutliple of the base size.

2. is it possible to place small objects automatically?
Also seen an interesting thing in another "Random Dungeon Generator", which could kind of layout some small objects randomly ( e.g.: furniture, lamps, crates ) in cells.
I have seen that daedalus can use prefabs variations to achieve effects alike, but that would be combination explosion if I have many small objects.
So just want to make sure if you guys have features alike.

Hope to hear from you soon, I don't mean to rush you guys, but I'm really kind of on a tight schedule here.

At last, great product, hope to see more great updates. :)



It's not implemented yet, though we did something similar in another context (we created a custom dungeon generator from scratch for our game in Unreal Engine 4, and it generates something like this or this, I guess it's similar to what you're looking for, right?).

It's not currently implemented in Daedalus, but you could use a "trick" to achieve something like that: you could just create bigger square sections which have different room size inside of them; in the end they will all be connected on one or more sides, if it makes sense.

Under review

1. Daedalus is grid-based so yes, basically all the cells must be of the same size. We are also implementing another way of generating dungeons, using full pre-made rooms and corridor pieces. Stay tuned for it!

2. We will also implement new features for objects placement and decorations, but don't hold your breath, it will require some development and testing time.

Thanks for your interest in Daedalus!
Thanks for the quick reply, I'll keep an eye on new updates. :)

I'm also looking to do the same thing, using prefab rooms of different sizes. Has this been added? I know you added sections, but they have to be the same grid size right?

It would be awesome to be able to add prefab rooms, with entrances identified in the room grid, and in different sizes. Like a 10x5 room and 4x6 room that would connect their entrances directly or put a corridor between.


It's not implemented yet, though we did something similar in another context (we created a custom dungeon generator from scratch for our game in Unreal Engine 4, and it generates something like this or this, I guess it's similar to what you're looking for, right?).

It's not currently implemented in Daedalus, but you could use a "trick" to achieve something like that: you could just create bigger square sections which have different room size inside of them; in the end they will all be connected on one or more sides, if it makes sense.