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Hi, I just left a review for Daedalus on the asset store as I realized I had not done this yet. I'm really enjoying working with Daedalus and wondering if you have an ETA yet for the new version.

There is one minor problem with the barred doors not always opening in the fantasy dungeon. Not sure what the cause is - have you seen this? It's the doors with bars so you can see through them and they sometimes open and sometimes do not open. When they fail to open, the player can walk right through them.
Hello, this issue is totally resolved now for me, so it can be marked as resolved or closed. Thank you!
Great to hear about the new stuff coming.  Sounds like some cool new features!
Thank you!  I made the map larger and now it's working.  I've been changing all the various settings and not sure exactly how to best set each option as sometimes I end up with a dungeon where I can't seem to find a way to the next story up (I'm using a 5 story dungeon).  At the moment I seem to have hit upon a good combination of settings and everything is working now.  Any hints on how to correctly adjust the settings or best practices?

I'm using the DungeonSet01.  I changed max room width and length to 3 but it didn't fix the problem where the top of the stairs is higher than the rest of the floor when storey separation is 0.  I have 3 stories and min 2 rooms, max 3 rooms.

I did notice that now there are lit torches on the first two floors as well as the third (top floor) though.  When I had max room length == 4 and max room width == 3 I was only getting lit torches on the top floor.  So that's a different issue.
