Uw opmerkingen

Well, how does one determine where the walls and doors are? Does the Virtual Map include this information?

I was under the impression that when it comes to Standard Maps, the Daedalus Generator, after generating the Virtual Map, put the walls and doors overlapping the floors, and they weren't explicitly included in the Virtual Map.
I couldn't find anything else in your documentation about how to determine where walls and doors are in the Virtual Map that the Standard Map comes from, but maybe I missed something?
If so, could you please point me in the right direction?

Thanks for the speedy reply!

However, will this method work well if my game's levels use 3D StandardMaps and not TileMaps?

Looking at the reference information for class VirtualMap, it appears that everything works with a grid of "Cells".

How will the floors/doors/walls/columns/etc. be placed into this grid of cells (a VirtualMap) when using a 3D StandardMap, if they aren't all the same size and some of them overlap?

Or do I misunderstand?